

You can access all your transaction history through our dashboard.

Merchant Projects Report


You can view all your transactions, from all your projects here.
You can also view your transactions filtered by these parameters to ease your bookkeeping.

Filter by transaction date
Filter by website where the transaction took place
Filter by payment methods used
Filter by transaction status (success, failed, void)
Filter by transaction ID number
Filter by transaction number from your website/POS
Filter by transaction reference number
Filter by Duitku transaction ID
Filter by Additional parameter you add

You can add additional parameters (type of goods, service, branch, etc) here
When you’ve displayed the transactions you want to export, this displayed data can be exported in .xls format by clicking the ‘print’ button. The file won’t be automatically downloaded to your browser. You'll need to go to 'Download Files' menu and download the files that you've been determined there.

Download Dummy file



Here you can find your dashboard account mutation report. This includes a complete list of success transactions, success disbursement, and success withdrawal.

This list can be filtered by date. When you’ve displayed the transactions you want to export, this displayed data can be exported in .xls format by clicking the ‘print’ button. The file will be automatically downloaded to your browser.

Download Dummy file

Facilitator Report


The amount received from facilitator payment methods will go directly to your settlement bank account in the acquiring bank and won’t be displayed on your dashboard. However, you can view the report for all of your facilitator channel transactions here. If you'd like to download the file. You'll need to go to 'Download Files' menu and download the files that you've been determined there. The file won’t be automatically downloaded to your browser after you click the ‘print’ button.

Download Dummy file
Filtered by transaction date
Filtered by website where the transaction took place
Filtered by payment methods used
Filtered by transaction status (success, failed, void, refund)
Filtered by transactions number (only for Virtual Account payment channel)

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